Well-deserved! Huang Xiaoqing, the founder, chairman and CEO of Dataa Robotics, was honored with the
2023-12-04 16:30:02

On December 3, the 2023 "Magnolia Silver Award" ceremony was held in Shanghai. Huang Xiaoqing, founder, chairman and CEO of Dataa Robotics, won this honor. He was commended together with 49 other outstanding foreigners from 15 countries around the world to recognize their positive contributions to Shanghai's urban development in their respective fields.

微信图片_20231204105823.jpgThe fourth person from the right is Huang Xiaoqing, founder, chairman and CEO of Dataa Robotics.

In order to commend and thank outstanding foreigners for their positive contributions to Shanghai's foreign exchanges and urban development, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government has successively established the "Magnolia Silver Award" and "Magnolia Honorary Award" in the name of the city flower "Magnolia" since 1989. " as well as the title of "Honorary Citizen of Shanghai". So far, 1,827 foreigners have received the Magnolia series of awards and become members of the "Magnolia Family". This year's 50 winners are leading figures from various fields such as economy and trade, finance, shipping, education, science and technology, health, and culture, etc. Over the years, they have made outstanding contributions to Shanghai's urban economic and social development and the promotion of foreign exchanges and cooperation.

微信图片_20231204102653.jpgThe second person from the left in the top row is Huang Xiaoqing.

As a technological innovation leader who is the "Father of Cloud Robot", Huang Xiaoqing is recognized for his outstanding achievements in telecommunications and robotics and his ability to provide solutions to social development problems. He is one of the first batch of specially-appointed experts in our country and has held many important positions, including senior vice president and chief technology officer of UTStarcom and Dean of China Mobile Communications Research Institute. In addition, he is also the first Chinese CEO to win the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) CQR Chairman's Award.

微信图片_20231204172754.jpgHuang Xiaoqing was honored with the Shanghai "Magnolia Silver Award"

For thirty years, Huang Xiaoqing has been working on the front line of scientific and technological innovation, solving social development problems by promoting the industrial application of cutting-edge technologies. He has made many major achievements in the field of technological innovation, such as the invention of the "Personal Handphone" wireless city phone, the groundbreaking proposal of the softswitch theory "Network as Switch", the leadership in the development of carrier-grade IPTV systems and the first standardization and large-scale commercialization, etc.

In 2015, Huang Xiaoqing founded Dataa Robotics based on his profound industry experience and insights, and innovatively proposed the revolutionary "cloud robot" architecture concept.

Dataa Robotics committed to promoting "Created in China" to lead the world in the field of AI and robots, and hopes to provide every family with humanoid robot nannies in 2025 to solve the problems of aging society in China and the world. At present, it has made comprehensive breakthroughs the "bottleneck"technology such as robot operating system, smart compliant acuator, and robot metaverse. It develops a variety of robot products that are widely used in retail, agriculture, industry and other industries. It is one of the few companies in the world that has accumulated end-to-end full-stack core technologies for humanoid robots. It is also a high-tech enterprise and has pioneered and led the global "cloud robot" technology architecture and industrial ecology. It has been officially approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and is responsible for building the Cloud Robot " National New Generation AI Open Innovation Platform".

Huang Xiaoqing also played an important role in promoting the growth of local high-tech enterprises. He led Dataa Robotics to establish its global headquarters in Shanghai, and built an AI and robotics industry innovation base to create a world-class intelligent robot industry base; and built the world's largest 5G super factory of  smart compliant acturators, realizing domestic independent robot intelligence. The industrialization of flexible joints from "0" to "1" has become a benchmark for my country's 5G industrial flexible intelligent manufacturing industry. During the fight against Covid-19, we quickly responded to donations and supported frontline needs, donating and providing free-use robots worth 130 million yuan to the front lines of the fight against the epidemic, such as hospitals and stations. Under the guidance of Shanghai Economic and Information Commission and Hubei Science and Technology Department, the country's first intelligent cabin hospital was urgently transferred and established.

Furthermore, Huang Xiaoqing also actively participated in advising on industrial policies and became an important promoter of Shanghai's leading layout of strategic industries such as metaverse, large models and humanoid robots; he fully exerted his industry appeal and influence and organized many Famous international and domestic experts went to Shanghai for exchanges, providing valuable experience and opinions to promote Shanghai's AI and robotics technology development trends, industrial innovation and implementation, and realize Shanghai's leap-forward development in the new round of industrial revolution.

The robotics industry will determine international competitiveness of China in the next 30 years, and  Huang Xiaoqing has given full play to his appeal and industry influence to promote our country and Shanghai to occupy an international leading position in the 5G, artificial intelligence and cloud robotics industries.

On account of his own achievements, his deep friendship with Shanghai, as well as his numerous contributions, Huang Xiaoqing truly deserves the honor of receiving the "Magnolia Silver Award."