Dataa Robotics signed with OpenI to create an open AI source ecology system
2023-02-25 14:04:11

On February 24, the 4th OpenI/O Developers Conference was successfully held in Shenzhen. With the theme of "Computing networks as foundation, open source enlightenment and AI empowerment", the conference was hosted by Pengcheng Laboratory, and organized by the new generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (AITISA), OpenI Qizhi community, and Zhongguancun Audio-Visual Technology Alliance, co-organized by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and CCF Open Source Development Foundation, supported by the Guangdong Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Institution, and the National UHD Video Innovation Center (Shenzhen).


At the conference, the signing ceremony of the new generation of artificial intelligence open source and open platform and the national artificial intelligence open innovation platform was held, and Dataa Robotics signed the AITISA·OpenI community with national platforms such as Meituan, Midea, and AISpeech. This cooperation is vitally significant for strengthening open source and opening up, policy guidance, and building an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation system. In the future, the OpenI community will actively cooperate with various platform companies in their respective preponderant fields, and Dataa Robotics will also give full play to the advantages of cloud robot leaders to jointly make contributions to creating a vibrant artificial intelligence open source ecology system of China.


The New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (AITISA) is composed of more than 200 top companies, universities and research institutes, capital institutions, service organizations, innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises from the artificial intelligence industry. Based on artificial intelligence technology resources and industrial environment, with the vision of establishing an artificial intelligence technology innovation ecosystem., the alliance unites industry, education, research, application, capital, service and other units in the field of artificial intelligence. Through the work deployment of "one body and two wings", the alliance gathers the backbone of the industry and scientific research circles and related institutions, and uses the guidance of industry funds to serve enterprises and developers and promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry.

As the world's leading leader and operator of cloud robotics technology, Dataa Robotics was approved in July 2022 as the "New Generation of National Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platform for Cloud Robots", becoming the first company in China to build a new generation of artificial intelligence and cloud robots and also the "national team" enterprise of the artificial intelligence open innovation platform.


The new generation of national artificial intelligence open innovation platform for cloud robot is based on the cloud robot operating system HARIX OS developed by Dataa Robotics. HARIX OS is a basic technology and general technology platform for cloud robots to achieve the development of "cloud brain cognition (software capability)" and "body perception control (hardware capability)". HARIX OS adopts real-time digital twin technology to ensure real-time synchronization with the physical world, and provides a domestic open platform, unified interface standard, intelligent perception, collaborative decision-making, intelligent control and autonomous learning and training evolution environment for the entire robot industry.

Based on the HARIX operating system, many robot equipment manufacturers can cooperate and share together, and communicate with each other, which will help accelerate the development of intelligent equipment in thousands of industries. At present, HARIX Operating System has cooperated with hundreds of domestic robot companies, laboratories, colleges, robot manufacturers, and smart devices, covering medical health, logistics, energy inspection, agriculture and other application fields, and initially established the robot industry ecology.


In the future, Dataa Robotics will give full play as a leading robotics company, build a sustainable cloud robot operating system, and finally achieve the extensive application of cloud robots in key areas that affect the national economy and people's livelihood, such as education, pensions, and agriculture, and build the good business model of the cloud robot industry. That will accelerate the maturity of China's cloud robot market and form the ecological development trend of the global cloud robot industry led by China.