A new milestone:Zhuhai Robot Operation Headquarters of Dataa Robotics was officially unveiled!
2022-12-17 16:34:14

The opening ceremony of Dataa Robotics (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. and the unveiling ceremony of Operation Headquarters of Dataa Robotics were held in Hengqin International Business Center, Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep-Cooperation Zone on December 16. Witnessed by Liu Yang, director of the professional class to promote the development of the metaverse industry in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, Huang Xiaoqing, founder and CEO of Dataa Robotics, joined hands with Zhou Lewei, chairman of Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd., and Qu Zhichao, chairman of Zhuhai Science and Technology Venture Capital Co., Ltd., Mu Baijun, general manager assistant of Zhuhai Dahengqin Development Co., Ltd., jointly unveiled the plaque and cut the ribbon for Dataa Robotics (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.


Huang Xiaoqing, the founder and CEO of Dataa Robotics, addressed in his speech that a robot supercomputing center will be established in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep-Cooperation Zone in the future. As a computing platform for the robot cloud brain, it can provide computing power services for large platforms such as robots, unmanned driving, and metaverse. "Zhuhai has great development potential. We will build our  intelligent robot manufacturing base in Zhuhai, and the Zhuhai base will be constructed as our southern production and manufacturing base."

Huang Xiaoqing also introduced that cloud intelligent robots will be like all Internet mobile communications, with operations as the core, data as the center, and the realization of artificial intelligence as the goal. "Through the cloud-based brain operating system of Dataa HARIX OS , in the future, it will be possible to let robots do work, humans play games, and artificial intelligence do plug-ins."


In order to achieve this goal, Dataa Robotics continued to deepen its strategic deployment, established Dataa Robotics  (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. and built the "Zhuhai Robot Operation Headquarters" of the company. Hengqin cultivates the ecosystems of the artificial intelligence industry, promotes the transformation and upgrading of regional industries and talent structures, and sets a national and even global benchmark for the intelligent robot industry. The Zhuhai Robot Operation Headquarters will center on Hengqin and radiate surrounding areas, in order to provide a powerful engine for the construction of "Smart Hengqin" to achieve a "new speed", and assist the innovation and development of Guangdong-Macao integration technology.


After the ceremony, the participating leaders and guests were led by Cloud Ginger, a Humanoid robot, to visit the demo zoom of Zhuhai headquarters. Xiao Jiang introduced his partners to the guests, such as the robot wearing the costume of the Monkey King, the indoor multifunctional mobile delivery robot Cloud Ginger Lite, the outdoor multifunctional patrol delivery robot Cloud Patrol, the smart compliant acurator (SCA) and a number of cloud robot products and solutions based on the core technology of Dataa Robotics.

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In July 2022, Dataa Robotics was officially approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology as the "New Generation of National  Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platform for Cloud Robotics", which marks Dataa became the first national "AI + robot" national team enterprise to build a new generation of artificial intelligence open innovation platform concentrating on artificial intelligence and cloud robots.

In the future, Dataa Robotics will be based on the "Zhuhai Cloud Robot Operation Headquarters", and work with industry partners to realize the penetration and application of cloud robots in key areas that affect the national economy and people's livelihood, such as education, elderly care, and agriculture, and form a healthy and long-term development of national cloud robot industry, accelerate the maturity of the cloud robot market, and form a leading ecological development trend of the global cloud robot industry.